The causes of the occurrence of pain in the back right, the symptoms, treatment,

Each person has at least once in the life time hurts my back. Often a symptom that does not cause any kind of concern for itself and passes. But there are cases in which ignoring it is not so simple. The pain in the back of the right indicates a serious disease, which the normal physics of the surge. In each case, to prevent the disaster, it is necessary to analyze all the possible causes of back pain, and if necessary, request medical assistance.

the back pain

What types of pain we can disturb?

In the majority of cases of back pain in the place where you will find a pathological process. In consequence, the pain in a sense or in another place, to the knowledge of the basic concepts of the anatomy, can suggest to us, what is the structure of the body is damaged, or where to look for the riddle. For example, when dry pleurisy the pain is going to be on the ground in defeat, usually with a spatula or on the side, she appears in the depth of inhalation, it is stabbing to the nature.

In other cases, the pain may not coincide with the location of the injury. Distinguish 2 types of pain:

  • projected radiates with the place of occurrence of the motion of the nerve fibers in distal parts of the body, for example, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the pain can be felt not only in the lower part of the back, to the right or to the left, but to give it in the leg;
  • reflection – is developed by the defeat of the internal organs (the majority of endoscopy), but are found in remote areas and the parts of the body. At the base of the problem is sensitive innervation of skin in the form of individual substances, pain of the area are called areas of Ged.

The pain in the back of the right has a different nature of the:

  • cramping – comes and goes, is characteristic of the defeat of the organs genito-urinary during the contraction of the smooth muscles;
  • the increasing intensity of the painful sensations gradually grows, and is characterized by inflammatory lesions (inflammation of the lungs, subphrenic abscess);
  • the penetrating – this type of pain indicates the urgent state (break some kind of education, of the authority, thromboembolism, hemorrhage, intra-abdominal);
  • such as low back pain – is characteristic for the diseases of the spine, with the participation in the process of the nerve roots of the spinal cord;
  • constant and monotonous – is characteristic of the defeat of the main body, for example, in diseases of the liver;
  • pulling the back pain is a common site for trauma and other injuries of the locomotor apparatus.


The reason of pain under the shovel, or in the lumbar area of the right can be attributed to all of the traumatic injuries (soft tissue injury of the back, stretching the back muscles, etc). Also in this group are the feeling of pain after a lot of physical work, stay in an uncomfortable posture, the use of weights.

This group of causes of back pain is not serious danger of disappearing on their own after the break. But anyway you should not neglect such indications, since, under the mask of the more normal of a symptom can be severe disease.

Diseases of the spine

It is more common for a group of diseases that cause the syndrome of pain in the back. If for a long time hurts my back to the right, you should think of a possible pathology of the spine.

The main culprit of back pain is osteochondrosis. Location of the pain depend on what part of the spine pathologically changed. Often suffers from the lumbar spine. When there is a constant pain in the lower part to the right or to the left. The defeat of the clinic of the division, the pain can be above the waist or below the spatula.

During the development of complications of degenerative disc disease (crushing of the nerves, inflammation, radiculitis) the pain acquires another character. Develops projected pain syndrome – pain that is radiated by the motion of the involved nerve endings (in the arm, in the leg). This type of pain may be of a permanent nature (lumbodynia, torakalgiya) or in the form of low back pain.

Pathology of the organs of digestion

the disease of the back

When it attacks the liver, the gallbladder pain is often located in the right part of the back, the upper right quadrant. Often, this type of pain develops and the pancreas disease (ringworm of the nature of the painful sensations).

The pain in the lower right can occur when the appendicitis, especially if the location of the appendix atypical (for a particular position – that hides behind blind rectum).

The sensation of pain below the right side of the shovel, can often indicate the acute diseases of the gastrointestinal organs. Here, the area is the Ged. Often acute cholecystitis begins as well.

Cardiovascular diseases

Although for diseases of the heart and characterized by the irradiacin of pain in the left half of the body, but in some cases it can give you and to the right.

It is a very dangerous state considered atypical manifestation of a myocardial infarction, when the pain is located under with the shovel item. The patients in these cases, do not even think of possible defeat in the heart, suffer in pain, and while both lost precious minutes that could save the life of the person.

The disease of the kidneys

The kidney disease often manifest with pain in the lumbar area. To the states, which is accompanied by increase in size of the kidneys (polycystic disease, mild hydronephrosis, a tumor in the kidney, is a constant pulling pain in the lower back.

Cramping nature of the pain acquired when pyelonephritis, and the kidneys. A common example of this pain is the attack of renal colic. The pain begins in the area of the waist, in the belly and the external genitalia.

The causes of gynecological

If a woman has appeared pulling pain in the lower part of the back and abdomen, the first thing that you must exclude gynecologic pathology. The causes can be pathological state:

  • the ectopic pregnancy;
  • a ovarian cyst.
  • swelling of the internal genital organs;
  • painful menstruation;
  • inflammatory the defeat of the reproductive system;
  • if a woman is pregnant, the symptoms that may indicate the existence of a threat of abortion.

The defeat of organs of breathing

When it attacks the respiratory system the pain is often located in the back area. Cause pain, that may of these diseases:

  • dry pleural effusion – the pain is related to breathing, it reinforces to the height of the inspiration, have a stab very strong character, often to reduce pain, the patient begins to surface often to breathe;
  • pneumothorax (rupture of lightweight fabric with the impact on the plevralnuyu the air cavity) – sudden acute pain under the shovel, with the advent of the expressed by the lack of air;
  • pneumonia, with the participation of a pathological process of the pleura – pain similar to that which occurs when the pleurisy;
  • cancer of the bronchus or in the lung tissue – the sensation of pain appear when the distribution of the tumors at a later stage, the nature of pain and its location depends on the degree of germination of the cancer cells in the surrounding organs, and pleura.
the treatment of the

Whatever the nature of pain in the right side of the back, in the first place, it should alert you. Since that is the alarm signal of the body about the violation, the small or more serious.